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Supervision Support Group

In the dynamic landscape of today's professional world, effective supervision is a cornerstone of organizational success, fostering productivity, teamwork, and individual growth. As a supervisor, you play a pivotal role in fostering professional growth, enhancing skill development, and ensuring the overall success of your supervisee. Below are resources for you, as a valuable supervisor, to assist with your supervision success. 

NASW Virginia Supervision Support Group 

Oftentimes after members take our popular Foundations of Supervision course and begin supervising LCSW candidates, new questions come up.   


  • Am I doing this right?  

  • How do I navigate differences in opinion when my supervisee and I practice different modalities?  

  • What if my supervisee and I disagree on an approach due to our cultural differences?  


These types of questions are common, but also nuanced. Insight from one of our instructors and a group of your fellow supervisors can help. That’s why we developed our free, members-only “Peer Support for Supervisors” sessions.  


For these 1-1.5 hour-sessions, the instructor will select a general topic area to focus on and then solicit questions from registered participants prior to the session. The instructor will then use these pre-submitted questions to guide the session and lead the discussion.    


Supervisors will earn 1-1.5 Category I Contact Hours (depending on length of session.). Register through professional development events. 

LCSW Supervision Log

This is a template to use during supervision but may be altered as you deem appropriate. You will not need to submit your logs with your application for licensure; however, you will be required to submit these supervision logs if requested by the Board for verification purposes. Supervisors are required to maintain documentation for five years post-supervision, of which clients were the subject of supervision. Throughout supervision, supervisors and their supervisees are encouraged to keep supervision logs of which clients were the subject of supervision. Supervision logs should include the date of individual/group supervision, the duration of the supervision meeting, the topic of discussion, clinical social work services provided throughout the week, the number of hours obtained in face-to-face client contact, and evaluation of supervisee’s knowledge and competency in identified theory base, application of a differential diagnosis, establishing and monitoring a treatment plan, development and appropriate use of the professional relationship, assessing the client for risk of imminent danger, implementing a professional and ethical relationship with clients, and understanding the requirements of law for reporting any harm or risk of harm to self or others.

Supervision Report

Report pertaining to supervisee's hours worked, any concerns or comments from you, the supervisor, an average rating concerning their adherence to ethical, legal, and professional standards, their technical skills, clinical judgments, record-keeping, attendance, capacity to work autonomously, the licensee's utilization of supervision, and areas where the supervisee could enhance their performance.

Request for Termination of Supervision

Pursuant to 18VAC140-20-50(C)(8) of the Regulations Governing the Practice of Social Work, this form can be used to notify the Virginia Board of Social Work of the termination of a board-approved supervisory contract between a supervisor and supervisee. If supervision is being terminated at more than one worksite location, a separate form should be completed. This form may be mailed, fax or emailed to the Virginia Board of Social Work.

Verification of Clinical Supervision

Only the top part of this form should be completed by the supervisee. The supervisor who supervised the applicant's post-master's degree program experience completes the remainder the form. The completed form should be included in the application packet that is sent to the Virginia Board of Social Work. If supervision took place under more than one Board-approved supervisor, a separate form is required for each supervisor.

Supervisory Contract

This is a Template Supervisory Contract for your use and may be altered as you deem appropriate. A Supervisory Contract between the Supervisee and Supervisor is required prior to the beginning of the supervisory experience. This Template has been prepared by the Board of Social Work to aid you in developing your own Supervisory Contract.


In addition to the provisions outlined in the contract you develop, the supervisee and supervisor are required to comply with the current social work laws and regulations as found in the Code of Virginia and the Regulations Governing the Practice of Social Work.


Until licensed by the Board as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker the Supervisee in Social Work MUST remain under Board approved supervision in order to provide clinical social work services.


Clinical Social Work services is defined as the application of social work principles and methods in performing assessments and diagnoses based on a recognized manual of mental and emotional disorders or recognized system of problem definition, preventive and early intervention services and treatment services, including psychosocial interventions, psychotherapy and counseling for mental disorders, substance abuse, marriage and family dysfunction, and problems caused by social and psychological stress or health impairment.

Continuing Education Summary Form

This form is only necessary if The Board of Social Work requests it from you. If requested, please submit to

Best Practice Standards in Social Work Supervision


The National Association of Social Workers (NASW) and the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) have developed Best Practice Standards in Social Work Supervision (hereafter “Supervision Standards”) to support and strengthen supervision for professional social workers. The standards provide a general framework that promotes uniformity and serves as a resource for issues related to supervision in the social work supervisory community.

The knowledge base of the social work profession has expanded, and the population it serves has become more complex. Therefore, it is important to the profession to have assurance that all social workers are equipped with the necessary skills to deliver competent and ethical social work services. Equally important to the profession is the responsibility to protect clients.

The NASW and ASWB Task Force on Supervision Standards maintain that supervision is an essential and integral part of the training and continuing education required for the skillful development of professional social workers.

Supervision protects clients, supports practitioners, and ensures that professional standards and quality services are delivered by competent social workers.

The NASW Code of Ethics and the ASWB Model Social Work Practice Act serve as foundation documents in the development of the supervision standards. These standards support the practice of social workers in various work settings and articulate the importance of a collective professional understanding of supervision within the social work community.

Virginia Chapter of the

National Association of Social Workers

Chapter Phone: 804-204-1339

Chapter Address: 4860 Cox Road, Suite 200 Glen Allen, VA 23060 

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