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Debra Riggs

Final Week to Register!2023 Virtual Annual Conference,

April 20-22, NASW VA and Metro DC (Earn 17.5 CEs, Up to 63.5 CEs with 60-Day Recordings Access)

Procrastinators alert! You only have one week left to register until the kickoff of the biggest professional development chapter event of the year!

You’ll earn 17.5 CEs live-virtual OR up to 63.5 CEs by attending the Virginia and Metro DC Annual Conference for social workers of all specialties. The 30-sessions learning lineup offers 20.25 ethics CEs, as well as--if you’re licensed in DC--4 LGBTQ CEs and 18 Public Health Priorities CEs.

Check out the just-in amazing ratings and testimonials below to see what 250 social workers who attended these same sessions during the March in-person conference told us about their learning experience and takeaways—and you can experience the same.

An impressive 99% of attendees would definitely or likely recommend this conference to a peer!

How recent attendees ranked their conference professional development on a

scale of 5 (very satisfied) to 0 (very dissatisfied):

  • 4.6 out of 5 for workshop speakers (94% of in-person attendees reported they were very satisfied or satisfied!)

  • 4.54 out of 5 for keynote speakers

  • 4.5 out of 5 for workshop topics (with specific workshops such as the Emmy-winning film co-producer and Mending Walls discussion scoring even higher!)

  • 4.5 out of 5 for value of the conference overall

What recent attendees say:

“I am a first-time attendee and loved every part of the conference. I will do my best to attend every year. Everything was well-organized and -structured. The speakers and topics were all relevant. This was a wonderful experience for professional development and personal growth.”

“The content presented through breakout sessions and keynote speakers was awesome! I felt represented in every facet of my professional career.”

“Keynotes were great, and workshops were well-varied and informative.”

“Conference is well-planned, well-attended and with a good variety of exhibitors. For social workers, this is a 'do-not-miss' event.”

“I am an LCSW from New York City. I enjoyed the ... content material from the conference. The workshops provided me an opportunity to reflect on how I practice, the impact of trauma/race, and I do believe I am a better social worker for it.”

You’ll have plenty of engagement opportunities for speaker Q&A and networking chat at the Virtual Conference, so hurry and reserve your online seat to join hundreds of other social workers from Virginia, DC, and more than a dozen states! Register now!

Retirees and student, you receive the deepest discounts, and we welcome your wisdom and energy. Take a look at the schedule here.


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