Social workers can begin voting now in the Virginia primaries! Although same-day, in-person primary elections are June 18, in-person early voting started May 3 and runs through June 15.
The ballot lists candidates for one Virginia U.S. Senate seat and all 11 House of Representatives seats, although not every seat will have a primary election.
In Hampton Roads, for instance, which has three congressional districts, races with primaries are for one U.S. Senate seat (Republican primary), 1st Congressional District (Democratic primary), and 2nd Congressional District (Democratic primary).
U.S. Sen. Tim Kaine faces no challengers in the Democratic primary, but five Republicans are campaigning to compete against him in November.
For more information, important voter deadlines, and a reminder that the Code of Ethics requires all social workers to commit to civic engagement such as voting, visit the NASW Virginia voter microsite.