Executive Committee

Julie Wilcox, MSW, LCSW- President
Shaneen Alverez . President Elect
Klara Prachard- Secretary

At-Large Board Members
Brande Meyer
Caitlin Stauffer
LaToya Hines
Delwin Harris
Shannon Dancey, MSW Student Representative
Become an NASW Virginia Board Leader!
NASWVA seeks passionate Virginia NASW members to serve on the Board of Directors. Serving as a volunteer ambassador of the profession and state chapter of NASW is a great opportunity to lead, network, and grow as a social worker, as well as to make a difference in our state.
NASWVA has a strong tradition of success and influence, thanks to the hard work of our volunteers, leadership, and staff. We are committed to remaining your professional “third home”—always having your back as a Virginia social worker!
The NASWVA Board of Directors is composed of 10 board members who are elected by the chapter membership. All board members serve two-year terms with the exception of BSW and MSW student representatives and the president-elect, each of whom holds
one-year terms.
Board terms follow the chapter fiscal year, which begins July 1 and ends June 30 annually. The Board of Directors holds four meetings during the year to discuss association policy and programming, and to set chapter policies concerning social work practice issues.
Why join the board?
NASWVA and the social work profession need your involvement!
By applying for the board, you will
Help advance and strengthen the social work profession.
Build your resume.
Network with social workers in all settings across Virginia.
Grow as a social work professional.
Connect with NASWVA staff and fellow volunteers.
Use and develop stronger leadership skills.