Disability Pride Month: An Update on Disability and Social Work, Invitation to Council
An estimated 1 in 4, around 61 million, U.S. adults report having at least one disability. Alongside experiences of disability, intersectional experiences of race, ethnicity, gender, class, sexuality, and age exist and can often magnify barriers.
Across all age groups, disabled people are much less likely to be employed than those with no disability, and the unemployment rate for people with disabilities is about twice as high as the rate for people without a disability. Additionally, about 19% of undergrad and 12% of graduate students report having at least one disability.
Currently, disability status is not measured as a demographic in the U.S. social work workforce. However, the British Association of Social Work reports nearly 1 in 10—9.5%—of its social work workforce indicate they have a disability.
These statistics highlight the importance of disability justice and the participation and inclusion of people with disabilities within social work.
DisabilityInSocialWork.com Resource Library: This searchable collection of resources includes links to groups, books, research, presentations, and more. The website also has many additional resources such as a student scholarship and information for Disability Pride Month (July) and National Disability Employment Awareness Month (October).
CSWE Council on Disability and Persons With Disabilities: The CSWE Council develops disability-related social work education resources, facilitates the full participation of people with disabilities in social work education, and advocates to include social, political, and economic matters related to disability in the framework of social work education. The group facilitates an annual award that recognizes disability scholarship and has developed disability-focused curricular guidance and other resources.
Social Work Practice and Disability Communities: An Intersectional Anti-Oppressive Approach: This textbook “encourages practitioners to draw on intersectionality theory, the critical cultural competence framework, and anti-oppressive practice approaches to contend with the concerns facing disabled people today. These issues include parenting, mass incarceration, ableism, aging, and employment, among others.”
Choosing Words for Talking about Disability: The American Psychological Association offers this reference page for guidance on talking about disability, highlighting that both person-first and identity-first language can be preferred.
“This Is What Disabled Looks Like”: The Sometimes Hard-To-See Line Between Visible and Invisible Disabilities – This article by Zipporah Arielle (2019) discusses the false dichotomy between ‘visible’ and ‘invisible’ disabilities.
About the NASW-VA/DC Disability Council (DisC)
The NASWVA and Metro DC Disability Council (DisC) is a member-led group to address topics relevant to both social workers who identify as disabled, a person with disabilities, neurodivergent, etc., and to do disability advocacy within the social work profession and society.
The group defines disability broadly, and all Chapter members are welcome and encouraged to participate. Meetings are virtual, the first Tuesday of every month at 5:15 p.m. ET.
Examples of some recent projects include the following:
speaking at the NASW Virginia and Metro DC Annual Conference,
advocating for the state Board of Social Work to implement a policy around licensure accommodations, and
collaborating on a research article.
Members of NASW Virginia and Metro DC chapters can request to join the Disability Council (DisC) using this interest form. If you’re not an NASW member yet, you can learn more here.
For NASW members in other states, the NASW Massachusetts Chapter and the NASW California Chapter also have disability-focused groups for their members.