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Social Worker Suzanne Baldwin Advocates for Children and Military Families “Most of my work is with children embroiled in litigation or their parents who are struggling to successfully coparenting,” according to Suzanne Baldwin, PhD, LCSW, RN, of Virginia Beach. “The other focus of my work is working with military families worldwide. The pandemic has made the challenges these populations immeasurably more complicated.

“As the children’s therapist, my advocacy for their well-being has been given an even greater voice as other professionals have had to reduce their presence, while I have maintained consistent contact,” she explains. “As I have a significant knowledge about the military lifestyle, including personal experience, and have been working with the court system for over 20 years, understanding (and presenting) consistent, caring, and professional interventions and testimony has taken on an even greater urgency. “Social workers have the adaptability and professional knowledge to work with an ever-changing system for the good of their clients. I was a newborn intensive care nurse for 20 years and taught at the university level for two decades. These experiences helped prepare me for my second career. “I am thankful to be a social worker working with families who are distressed, conflictual, and traumatized.”

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