Call for 2022-2023 Instructors for NASWVA and NASW Metro DC Stand-Alone Trainings
NASWVA and Metro DC chapters are always interested in offering the best training opportunities, and we welcome submissions on a rolling basis. We are offering a variety of training classes virtually through 2022 and, depending on pandemic guidelines, potentially in person in various locations around the Commonwealth and DC in 2023.
Our primary course locations for in-person trainings are in the Richmond area, Northern Virginia, and Hampton Roads/Tidewater. However, we will consider any location for training. Virtual trainings will remain an option regardless of when public emergency restrictions are lifted. Applications can be submitted at any time throughout the year.
Once you have submitted your training ideas, NASWVA/Metro DC staff will contact you to discuss the proposed course and compensation. Presenters may be eligible to earn a maximum of 7 Category 2 CE hours for preparing and presenting your workshop (subject to licensure regulations).